Enhance your Care
A Course For Professional
Enhance the Care Provided by You and Your Team with End-of-Life Care Education
“. . I encountered patients forced to confront the realities of decline and mortality, and it did not take long to realize how unready I was to help them.”
– Atul Gwande, MD, Author of Being Mortal
The primary goal of this continuing education is to enhance the ability of professionals, employees, and practitioners to meet the special needs of those who are dying or caring for someone who is dying in the home.
Whether you work with patients or clients, a person who has been diagnosed with a life-limiting illness and those who are caring for them require a unique level of care.
Although death, dying, loss and grief are vast topics, I have developed a series of presentations that deliver information in easily digested classes.
I also craft courses specific to professional teams’ goals within the area of end-of-life care with the aim of enhancing the services you provide.
Better Prepare Your Staff
This course offers practical and applicable tools, skills, and knowledge developed for professionals, staff continuing education, and health & wellness practitioners
- Series of 4 live online classes
- Extensive Q & A
- PowerPoint presentation as visual aide
- Exercises and discussions to keep participants engaged and enhance learning
- Certification of Completion to each attendee
What we will cover in this course

- 1. Tools for communicating with patients or clients who are approaching death and their family members
- 2. Awareness of unique circumstances and special needs of the dying
- 3. How to identify signs of impending death and the progression from disease to death
- 4. Tools for supporting others with compassion and proficiency
- 5. Hospice care ins and outs
- 6. Advance healthcare directives
- 7. Simple and powerful questions to ask someone who is approaching death for clarity, and to use as guideposts for a plan of care
- 8. Tools to apply with clients or patients to shift goals of care to support patients with what truly matters in the end
This education is for you and/or your staff if you are recognizing

- 1. A lack of any previous training on end-of-life care
- 2. A need to understand specifics of the dying process
- 3. A need to understand the dying patient’s unique ways of communicating
- 4. Goals of care that must shift from preventive & curative to comfort care and pain relief
- 5. A need to better assist patients with end of life planning to relieve stress and anxiety
- 6. A desire to empower patients and their families to make use of valuable time left together
- 7. A need to better recognize when a patient’s time is limited
- 8. A lack of understanding of a patient’s “nearing death awareness”
- 9. A desire to increase your own acceptance of mortality to support patients’ anxiety or fears towards death
In-home caregiver agencies, certified nursing assistants, private-hire caregivers, foster care home operators, therapists, clinicians, and practitioners of any health and wellness discipline.
Professional groups looking to enhance their skills and abilities to address end-of-life care issues faced within their work setting.
This course is organized into 4 classes that are each supported by thought-provoking powerpoint slides meant to assist attendees’ absorption of the material.
Using experiential writing exercises, discussion, supportive dialogue, and ample Q & A time I am able to keep participants interested and engaged.
Although a tender topic, I embody a lightness of spirit and love for the peace I’ve witnessed others gain by coming to greater understanding and confidence with participating in the dying process.
It is a naturally emotional topic and becoming attuned to feelings is part of the learning process. A supportive group setting is created. One thing that helps is that we are all equally vulnerable to the mystery and unknowns that surround our death. Grief can naturally arise as a result of discussing it. This is an opportunity to support one another through deep listening and compassion.
There will also be no pressure whatsoever to speak or ask questions.
Online Classes and Skills Training
Enhance the Care Provided by You and Your Team
Whether you are . . .
- an in-home caregiver agency with a team of CNAs
- a group of private-hire caregivers
- a staff of clinicians
- foster care home operators
- a group of therapists
- or practitioners of any health and wellness discipline
I offer high-powered, engaging, online classes to enhance your professional group’s skills and abilities to address end-of-life care issues with confidence within the work setting.